The VP4 Pneumatic Pump

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SOLAR PUMPS The   SQFlex   pump   range   consists   of   10   different   pump   sizes:   4   helical   rotor   pumps   for   medium   to   high   heads   &   low   to   medium   flow.   6   centrifugal   pumps   for   shallow   heads   and   high   flows.   Made   from   AISI 316 stainless steel for more aggressive waters the pump is fitted with a high efficiency motor for DC or AC voltage. SOLAR PANELS The GF solar panels are designed especially for the SQFlex pump motor unit.  A higher output voltage compared to standard 12V panels ensures optimum efficiency of the complete SQFlex pump system. COMBI SYSTEMS The   SQFlex   Combi   takes   maximum   advantage   of   natural   energy   resources   by   providing   a   combination   of   solar   and   wind   energy.   Solar   panels   for   when   the   sun   is   shining   and   a   wind   turbine   for   when   the wind is blowing, providing greater reliability and pumping.
Solar / Wind Turbine Pumping
Viridian Systems Ltd. Unit 39 Wirral Business Centre Dock Road, Birkenhead Wirral, UK CH41 1JW Tel: +44 (0)151 639 8666 Fax: +44 (0)151 691 2279 Email:
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SOLAR PUMPS The   SQFlex   pump   range   consists   of   10   different   pump sizes:   4   helical   rotor   pumps   for   Mediumto   High   heads   & low   to   medium   flow.   6   centrifugal   pumps   for   shallow heads   and   High   flows.   Made   from   AISI   316   stainless steel   for   more   aggressive   waters   the   pump   is   fitted   with a high efficiency motor for DC or AC voltage. SOLAR PANELS The   GF   solar   panels   are   designed   especially   for   the SQFlex    pump    motor    unit.        A    higher    output    voltage compared    to    standard    12V    panels    ensures    optimum efficiency of the complete SQFlex pump system. COMBI SYSTEMS The    SQFlex    Combi    takes    maximum    advantage    of natural   energy   resources   by   providing   a   combination   of Solar   and   wind   energy.   Solar   panels   for   when   the   sun   is shinning    and    a    wind    turbine    for    when    the    wind    is blowing, providing greater reliability and pumping
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The VP4 Pneumatic Pump

SOLAR PUMPS The   SQFlex   pump   range   consists   of   10   different   pump   sizes:   4   helical   rotor   pumps   for   Mediumto   High   heads   &   low   to   medium   flow.   6   centrifugal   pumps   for   shallow   heads   and   High   flows.   Made   from   AISI 316 stainless steel for more aggressive waters the pump is fitted with a high efficiency motor for DC or AC voltage. SOLAR PANELS The GF solar panels are designed especially for the SQFlex pump motor unit.  A higher output voltage compared to standard 12V panels ensures optimum efficiency of the complete SQFlex pump system. COMBI SYSTEMS The   SQFlex   Combi   takes   maximum   advantage   of   natural   energy   resources   by   providing   a   combination   of   Solar   and   wind   energy.   Solar   panels   for   when   the   sun   is   shinning   and   a   wind   turbine   for   when   the wind is blowing, providing greater reliability and pumping
Solar / Wind Turbine Pumping
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Viridian Systems Ltd. Unit 39 Wirral Business Centre Dock Road, Birkenhead Wirral, UK CH41 1JW Tel: +44 (0)151 639 8666 Fax: +44 (0)151 691 2279 Email: